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Long-term resin bonding to zirconia ceramic with a new universal primer

Statement of problem:
Different surface conditioning, cleaning methods, and ceramic primers are used to improve bonding to zirconia ceramic. However, maintaining a durable bond with zirconia ceramic under various clinical conditions remains a challenge.

This in vitro study investigated the durability of the bond strength of adhesive luting cement to zirconia ceramic after the application of a new universal primer.

Material and methods:
Ninety-six disks were fabricated from zirconia ceramic (e.max ZirCAD). Disks were conditioned either with airborne-particle abrasion with 110 μm Al2O3 (AB) or silica-coated (SC). Thereafter, disks were cleaned either with oil-free air (A) or by ultrasonic cleaning (U) in alcohol. A conventional silane (S) (EspeSil) or…
MedWorm: Dentistry

Posted in Dental News.

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