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Caries risk assessment in chilean adolescents and adults and its association with caries experience

This study aimed to determine whether caries risk from Cariogram relates to caries experience in adults. One hundred and eighty Cariogram files were completed from patients aged ten to fifty-six years (mean: 23.28 years). Seven factors from the software were included from patient records to complete the Cariogram: caries experience, diet (content and frequency), stimulated salivary flow, hygiene index, related diseases and fluoride usage. The percentages of “chances of avoiding new lesions” (caries risk) were obtained from Cariogram, and the subjects were classified into five risk groups. Results were compared for each variable with ANOVA, and a correlation between caries and Cariogram variables was calculated by Pearson’s correlation coefficient. A multivariate regression model was also u…
MedWorm: Dentistry

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