Summary The present investigation was performed in a population of patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD), and it was designed to assess the correlation between self?reported questionnaire?based bruxism diagnosis and a diagnosis based on history taking plus clinical examination. One?hundred?fifty?nine patients with TMD underwent an assessment including a questionnaire investigating five bruxism?related items (i.e. sleep grinding, sleep grinding referral by bed partner, sleep clenching, awake clenching, awake grinding) and an interview (i.e. oral history taking with specific focus on bruxism habits) plus a clinical examination to evaluate bruxism signs and symptoms. The correlation between findings of the questionnaire, viz., patients’ report, and findings of the interv…
MedWorm: Dentistry
Correlation between self?reported and clinically based diagnoses of bruxism in temporomandibular disorders patients
Posted in Dental News.
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– October 1, 2013